Sunday 24 June 2012

A busy week writing up 'Things'

Hello, Jon here again, just a quick update on how things are going. Last week's visit to CERN (the European centre for nuclear research, site of the large hadron collider and home to scientists working at the very forefront of sub-atomic research) was great; I learned a whole lot about how experiments are conducted on a colossal scale. I returned to London smiling but exhausted (and sunburnt too!) late last Thursday. That gave me a full weekend to recover, ready to start writing again fresh and early Monday morning.

This week has in the main been spent continuing with writing content based on news articles. These are spread across a wide variety of subjects. The work involved in producing this content leaves me with the impression that I am getting a better feel for how to conduct research online, checking facts thoroughly across multiple sources. I feel that my writing style is improving too, allowing me to present material in an engaging and accurate manner appropriate to the intended feel of the website.
As well as the numerous short pieces I have been submitting to the website, I have also begun work on a larger piece, outlining an entire research topic, and the unanswered questions therein (in this case the questions of Dark Matter and Dark Energy). To this end I have emailed academic staff at my university, Queen Mary, University of London, and after discovering who would be the most appropriate person to speak to, have arranged a meeting with a researcher for next Monday. Hopefully this will permit me a deeper understanding of the field and this should come across in my written work.

On a more personal note, the feedback I received after my last blog post was very encouraging, and I'd like to thank those who took the time to read it and especially those who went on to share it further. Feel free to leave a comment below, and remember you can stay up to date with what's happening at Things We Don't Know on Facebook and Twitter.

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